Annual General Meeting 2019

  The Annual General Meeting took place on the 4 September 2019. During the workings of the AGM, the new Board of Directors was voted in Find our who our new board is here.  

1st Regional Meeting – AmCham Cyprus, Greece and Israel

  On the 5 February 2019, the AmChams of Cyprus, Greece and Israel met in Cyprus for the 1st Regional Meeting of the AmChams. The workings of the event was split into 3 sessions: Closed Working Group of the Boards and Representatives of the three AmChams Signing...

MoU between the AmChams of Cyprus, Greece and Israel

  On the 5 February 2019, the American Chamber of Cyprus, the American-Hellenic Chamber of Greece and the American Chamber in Israel with the desire to promote the development of trade, investment and generally business and economic relations between their...